Enhanced Community Resilience to Drought through Innovative Market Based Systems Approaches media type="custom" key="26991172"media type="custom" key="26991176"
Background information
This project is being implemented by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in collaboration with SNV- Netherlands Development Organization and the Kenya Livestock Marketing Council (KLMC)and funded by the European Union and the government of Kenya under the Kenya Rural Development Programme (KRDP). The project which will run for a period of three years from 2013 to 2015 is implemented in six counties of Baringo, Isiolo, Wajir, Marsabit, Samburu and Tana River.
The overall objective of the project is to promote pastoral livelihoods diversification, facilitate robust markets for livestock and livestock products, and enhance consolidation of knowledge base to enhance climate change adaptation and market orientation. this will be achieved through three specific objectives:
- To promote pastoral livelihoods diversification through strengthening viable enterprises in livestock, fodder and camel milk value chains
- To facilitate robust markets for livestock and livestock products through public private partnerships (PPP) and market based systems
- To develop the knowledge base for enhancing climate change adaptation through a stronger market orientation at community level and a conducive policy environment
A joint workshop on best practices and lessons learnt from the project is held in Machakos County
Project result areas
Result1:Improved access to and availability of fodder for 25,000 livestock keepers’ households Result 2:1,000 women-led households empowered through more profitable camel milk trade Result 3:Well managed and vibrant livestock markets in arid areas Result 4:Strong arid and semi-arid land (ASAL) knowledge base offering replicable strategies
Quick links
ILRI website SNV website KLMC website Blog post: Documentation of best practice in fodder production- Wajir story
File:Best practice brief -Wajir county 2.pdf
File:Drought Situation Brief - March 2014.pdf
File:KRDP1 Economic Household Survey 6 ASAL counties Report.pdf
File:Best practice brief - Mayiani fodder group 2.pdf